
Expert Tips on How to Remove Ants From Home

Ants can create a lot of nuisance in homes or offices. They are generally present in the kitchen and bathroom areas. Though, there are wide range of solutions to prevent ants but they are not really effective. You need expert help to get rid of them permanently and completely. However, here are some tips that can control ant infestation initially in your homes.



  • The most important thing is to clean your kitchen counters from any kind of food particle. Always keep sugar and honey in an air tight container.
  • Keep a spray bottle with soapy water in it and spray it on the ants.
  • You can put some cucumber slices on the entry points so that ants stay away from your home.
  • If there’s an ants colony, keep a mint tea bag or dried mint leaves there as it is the perfect ant deterrents.
  • Pepper, lemon juice, cinnamon are also some of the effective ant deterrents.
  • Mix borax, sugar and water together. Soak some cotton balls in it. Now, put the cotton balls in a small container and let the ants have access to the balls. Place it near their colony as this will act as a bait and kill the ants.
  • If you encounter ants on the deck, place a few pieces of garlic between the cracks.

All the above methods will surely help you keep ants at bay. In case, these methods don’t provide effective results, make sure to call us. At Burlington Pest, we provide effective and reliable ant removal services in Burlington. We know how to get the job done right the first time.

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